Jyväskylä is going at full speed toward fulfilling its mission as a city of well-being. With an investment of one billion euros in Jyväskylä, this city will soon be in the same league with other large Nordic cities. Health, sports, well-being and resource wisdom are the key elements in our development projects.
Two major projects – Hippos and Kukkula – are currently underway in Jyväskylä. The Kukkula project focuses on health and well-being by establishing a modern central hospital and health campus. It began a year ago: in three years' time, the new hospital will open its doors.
Kukkula-hanke käynnistyi vuosi sitten ja uusi sairaala avaa ovensa kolmen vuoden päästä. Se moninkertaistaa kaupungin liikunnalliset harrastustilat ja tuo huippu-urheilussa käytettävät metodit kaikkien itsestään huolehtivien ulottuville.
Kukkulan 700 miljoonan euron investointiin sisältyy uuden sairaalan lisäksi koko Suomea palveleva terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin kampus ympäröivine asuntoineen ja toimintoineen. Kukkulan hankkeen painopiste on kuntouttavassa hoidossa ja terveellisen elämäntavan edistämisessä.
The Hippos project concentrates on sports with a proposed development of the largest indoor sports facility in the Nordics. This project, greatly expanding the city's sport and leisure facilities, will make the same practices used in top sports available to everyone interested in personal physical development.
Hippos' ambitious goal is to become the most versatile indoor sports centre in the Nordics and to support a large variety of sports. The city also aims to at least double the number of annual users of the existing facility from the current 1.6 million.
Jyväskylä's strong research expertise in sports and well-being helps create an exceptionally solid framework for both projects. The Hippos sports cluster is already widely recognised for its competence in sports research and analysis. Jyväskylä is home to Finland's only Faculty of Sport and Health Sciences. Also, the Research Institute for Olympic Sports and LIKES Research Centre for Physical Activity and Health operate in Jyväskylä.
The city's internationally acclaimed research and analysis proficiency in sport science has attracted Formula 1 drivers and Olympic-level athletic stars to Hippos for years. In the future, Hippos will also make this know-how available to sports hobbyists and enthusiasts as well as professional athletes.